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Original Canvas Painting

24" x 24", Acrylics on Canvas, 2021.
Canvas Depth of 1.5".

This stylized take on Marilyn Monroe is a one-of-a-kind painting, and lightly varnished giving the acrylic paint longevity and colour richness.  Frame your painting, or leave as is with a painted black edge.  Hang out of direct sunlight for added longevity and colour preservation. Handle with care!

All orders are fulfilled by Liz, with care! Painting orders will ship within 14 days, and must be shipped to a valid shipping address. Pick-up or delivery can be coordinated for local purchases. Please contact Liz with any questions, concerns, and additional shipping details.


SKU: 200
Only 1 left in stock
    • Ships within 14 days
    • No returns, except in the case of damaged shipment orders
    • This painting is one-of-a-kind, meaning no replications have been made in any shape or form.
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